Cu Chi Tunnels – Renowned Underground Network in Saigon

The Cu Chi Tunnels in Vietnam have long been a symbol of the nation’s resilience and determination in the face of adversity. This extensive underground network, located just outside of Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City), played a crucial role in the Vietnam War, serving as a means of communication, transportation, and evasion for the Vietnamese forces. The tunnels have since become a popular tourist attraction, offering visitors a glimpse into the country’s turbulent past and the remarkable ingenuity of its people.

  • Address: TL15, Phu Hiep, Cu Chi District, Ho Chi Minh City
  • Phone: +084 028 37948830
  • Website:
  • Opening hours: 8 am – 5 pm every day
  • Entrance fee: VND 110.000/ person (Ben Dinh), VND 90.000 (Ben Duoc)

History of Cu Chi Tunnels

The Cu Chi Tunnels were first constructed in the 1940s, during the Vietnamese resistance against the French colonial rule. As the conflict escalated, the tunnel network was expanded and strengthened, eventually becoming a vast underground city that stretched for hundreds of kilometers.

The Beginnings of the Tunnel Network

The initial construction of the Cu Chi Tunnels was a grassroots effort, with local villagers digging small, hidden passages to move supplies, communicate, and seek refuge from the French forces. These early tunnels were narrow, often just large enough for a person to crawl through, and were used primarily for local transportation and communication.

Expansion During the Vietnam War

As the Vietnam War erupted in the 1950s, the importance of the Cu Chi Tunnels grew exponentially. The North Vietnamese Army and the Viet Cong used the tunnels as a strategic advantage, moving troops, weapons, and supplies through the network to evade detection and attack the American and South Vietnamese forces.

Strengthening the Tunnel Network

Over the course of the war, the Cu Chi Tunnels were expanded and reinforced, with multiple levels, hidden entrances, and a variety of specialized facilities built within. This included hospitals, schools, theaters, and even kitchens, all designed to support the guerilla fighters and the local population.

Construction of Cu Chi Tunnels

The construction of the Cu Chi Tunnels was an incredible feat of engineering and resourcefulness, with the Vietnamese forces overcoming numerous challenges to create this underground network.

Digging by Hand

The tunnels were dug entirely by hand, with the use of rudimentary tools such as pickaxes, shovels, and bamboo baskets. This was backbreaking work, as the soil in the Cu Chi region was often hard and unyielding, requiring immense physical effort to excavate.

Concealing the Entrances

One of the key challenges in building the tunnels was concealing the entrances, as the American forces were constantly on the lookout for any signs of the underground network. The Vietnamese used a variety of techniques to camouflage the entrances, including disguising them with wooden doors and leaves, or even building them under houses and other structures.

Ventilation and Lighting

Ensuring proper ventilation and lighting was another critical aspect of the tunnel construction. The Vietnamese engineered a complex system of air shafts and small openings, as well as using candles and small oil lamps to illuminate the network.

Traps and Defenses

In addition to the tunnels themselves, the Vietnamese also constructed a variety of traps and defenses to protect the network from the American forces. These included punji stick traps, trip wires, and even booby-trapped ammunition caches.

Cu Chi Tunnels during the Vietnam War

During the Vietnam War, the Cu Chi Tunnels played a pivotal role in the Vietnamese forces’ ability to resist and eventually defeat the American and South Vietnamese armies.

A Strategic Advantage

The tunnels provided the Vietnamese with a significant strategic advantage, allowing them to move troops, supplies, and communications undetected by the American forces. This enabled the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese Army to launch surprise attacks and ambushes, while also providing a safe haven for the local population.

The Tet Offensive

One of the most notable examples of the Cu Chi Tunnels’ strategic importance was during the Tet Offensive in 1968. The Viet Cong used the tunnels to amass troops and supplies undetected, allowing them to launch a coordinated attack on multiple targets across South Vietnam, including the capital city of Saigon.

The Unsuccessful American Efforts

The American forces made numerous attempts to destroy the Cu Chi Tunnels, using a variety of tactics such as aerial bombardment, chemical weapons, and even digging their own tunnels to reach the network. However, the Vietnamese had designed the tunnels to be highly resilient, with multiple escape routes, hidden entrances, and traps that made them incredibly difficult to locate and destroy.

The Significance of the Tunnels

The Cu Chi Tunnels played a crucial role in the Vietnamese victory, as they allowed the guerilla fighters to outlast the American forces and ultimately prevail in the war. The tunnels have since become a symbol of the Vietnamese people’s resilience and determination, a testament to their ability to overcome even the most daunting challenges.

What to see in Cu Chi Tunnels?

Visiting the Cu Chi Tunnels today offers visitors a unique opportunity to explore this remarkable underground network and gain a deeper understanding of the Vietnam War.

Ben Dinh Tunnels

The Ben Dinh Tunnels are one of the most popular sections of the Cu Chi Tunnels, offering a glimpse into the military facilities and operations that were housed within the network. Visitors can explore a series of interconnected tunnels, including command centers, hospitals, and even a theater.

Ben Duoc Tunnels

The Ben Duoc Tunnels are a larger and more extensive section of the Cu Chi Tunnels, featuring a wider range of historical sites and facilities. Visitors can see the remnants of the underground kitchens, schools, and living quarters that once housed the Viet Cong fighters and the local population.

The Entrances and Traps

One of the most fascinating aspects of the Cu Chi Tunnels is the ingenious way in which the entrances were hidden and the network was protected. Visitors can see the camouflaged entrances, as well as the various traps and defenses that were constructed to deter the American forces.

Weapons Demonstrations

The Cu Chi Tunnels also offer visitors the opportunity to see demonstrations of the weapons and tactics used by the Vietnamese forces during the war, including the firing of replica AK-47s and other firearms.

What to do in Cu Chi Tunnels?

Head underground: An excursion to the infamous Cu Chi Tunnels makes for an eye-opening afternoon. Used by the Vietnamese during the war with America, these immense networks of underground tunnels enabled whole villages to stay safe, plus meant Vietnamese guerrilla fighters could take the enemy by surprise.

In addition to exploring the historical and cultural significance of the Cu Chi Tunnels, visitors can also engage in a variety of activities that provide a more immersive experience.

Crawling through the Tunnels

One of the most popular activities at the Cu Chi Tunnels is the opportunity to crawl through a section of the network, experiencing firsthand the claustrophobic and challenging conditions that the Vietnamese fighters faced.

Shooting Guns

Visitors can also participate in supervised gun-firing sessions, where they can shoot replica AK-47s and other firearms used during the Vietnam War.

Exploring the Surrounding Area

The Cu Chi Tunnels are situated in a beautiful natural landscape, with the surrounding area offering opportunities for hiking, kayaking, and other outdoor activities.

Experiencing Vietnamese Culture

In addition to the historical and military aspects of the Cu Chi Tunnels, visitors can also immerse themselves in Vietnamese culture, with opportunities to try traditional cuisine, participate in cultural workshops, and learn about the local way of life.

How to get to Cu Chi Tunnels

The Cu Chi Tunnels are located approximately 40 kilometers northwest of Ho Chi Minh City, and there are several ways for visitors to reach the site.

By Bus

One of the most convenient and budget-friendly options is to take a bus from Ho Chi Minh City. Visitors can catch Bus No. 13, which will take them to the Ben Duoc Tunnel entrance, and then transfer to Bus No. 79 to reach the Ben Dinh Tunnel entrance.

By Car or Motorbike

Visitors can also choose to explore the Cu Chi Tunnels by renting a car or motorbike and driving there themselves. This offers more flexibility and the opportunity to stop at other nearby attractions along the way.

Organized Tours

For those who prefer a more guided experience, there are numerous tour companies that offer day trips or multi-day excursions to the Cu Chi Tunnels, often including transportation, a guided tour, and other activities.

Best Time to Visit

The best time to visit the Cu Chi Tunnels is during the dry season, from December to May, when the weather is more pleasant and the crowds are typically smaller.


The Cu Chi Tunnels stand as a testament to the resilience, ingenuity, and determination of the Vietnamese people. This extensive underground network played a pivotal role in the Vietnam War, serving as a strategic advantage for the Viet Cong and the North Vietnamese Army, and ultimately contributing to their victory over the American forces.

Today, the Cu Chi Tunnels have become a popular tourist attraction, offering visitors a unique opportunity to explore this remarkable piece of history and gain a deeper understanding of the country’s turbulent past. Whether you’re crawling through the claustrophobic passages, learning about the various traps and defenses, or immersing yourself in the rich cultural heritage of the region, a visit to the Cu Chi Tunnels is a must-do for anyone seeking to understand the complexities and sacrifices that shaped the Vietnam War.